Building Solid Foundation: Calculation
To excel at Math, a solid foundation in calculation is essential. According to the MOE syllabus and various mathematics competitions in Singapore, children in Primary 2 should master: addition and subtraction within 10,000, multiplication and division within the multiplication table, division with remainder, multi-digit division, and addition and subtraction of fractions. All of which are topics that students master systematically in our courses.
At the same time, during the early years of primary school, children will be exposed to tips and tricks in calculation (making ten, rounding, moving with signs, truncating, cancellation, benchmark numbers, grouping, pyramid summation, Gauss summation, and multi-digit calculations), progressively improving their calculation skills through interesting and effective class activities.

Enhancing Capabilities: Comprehensive application ability
In Primary 2, the number of word problems will increase. This tests students on their ability to quickly identify the core of a problem and choose the appropriate problem-solving strategy. Our comprehensive curriculum helps children to master knowledge points and cultivate their ability to apply problem-solving strategies.

Thinking Process: Orderly thinking, transitioning from concrete to abstract thinking
Systematic Thinking
According to the cognitive development stage of children at the P2, our courses will focus on guiding students gradually from hands-on mathematical operations to abstract thinking. Additionally, we will teach three tools (Part-Whole, Comparison, and Unitary Model) that will make abstract problems concrete, to help them better solve complex school math problems.

Instilling Independence
"Speak - Read - Write - Reflect – Repeat” is a learning feedback loop that we employ in our courses. In class, students are guided to think independently and systematically from independently highlighting the keywords in a problem, writing down steps and thought processes, asking “why” and “how” during problem-solving to reviewing the final answer. Weekly quizzes are also conducted to monitor students' mastery of the material.